Taurina, la fel ca glutamina, este un aminoacid esențial condiționat, ceea ce înseamnă că organismul dumneavoastră poate produce cantitatea de care are nevoie pentru a funcționa, dar în unele cazuri poate merita suplimentat dintr-o sursă externă, de exemplu dacă faceți exerciții fizice intense. In such cases it is very important to support your body with a higher intake of taurine, by eating foods high in taurine or by taking supplements.
As there are not many foods in our daily diet that are naturally high in taurine (such as eggs, fish, dairy products), which would be sufficient for individuals with an active lifestyle, we usually recommend the use of supplements as a complement.
Is it recommended to consume the product for weight gain?
The answer to this question is provided by mother nature, as breast milk contains more than six times as much taurine as plain cow's milk, which is consumed during the most important period of our development, during infancy :)
Can the product be consumed during pregnancy?
There are no contraindications to the use of the active ingredient, but if you decide to use the supplement, please consult your doctor first!
Try it yourself!
UTILIZARE (1 doză = 2 capsule)
Luați o porție (2 capsule) la prima masă a zilei sau cu 15 minute înainte de activitate.
Păstrați punga închisă ermetic între 5-30°C. Păstrați la adăpost de căldură directă, umiditate și lumina soarelui. Nu păstrați produsul mai mult de 6 luni de la deschidere.