Ai crezut?
Proteinele sunt un nutrient important pentru organism, deoarece sunt implicate în construirea mușchilor, organelor, pielii, părului și unghiilor.
Corpul nostru are nevoie de 20 de aminoacizi diferiți, dintre care 9 îi putem obține doar din alimente. O lipsă de aminoacizi esențiali poate inhiba dezvoltarea și creșterea musculară. Proteinele joacă, de asemenea, un rol important în controlul greutății corporale și în metabolism. It is no coincidence that many people choose to supplement with protein shakes.
If you exercise regularly or find it important to balance your body, you know that often the amount of protein you eat is not enough to support muscle growth, so it's a good idea to choose a delicious and sweet protein formula that supports your protein intake and also helps to curb your sweet tooth.
Nutriversum Shake Protein is a low calorie protein shake, a high protein and high fibre dietary support drink powder that is packed with valuable nutrients and tastes heavenly to boot!
Key Features
- 15g premium protein source
- Low calorie content
- Aspartame free
Shake Protein, the fibre-packed protein shake
Ruby chocolate, vanilla or hazelnut? If you love special flavours, Nutriversum Shake Protein protein shake can be your faithful companion on busy weekdays!
High in fibre and protein, this shake also contains collagen and vitamin C, making it an easy and simple solution to a hectic weekday, providing a range of essential macro and micronutrients, while containing only 114-118 kcal per serving.
In addition, one serving contains five vitamins (vitamins C, E, B1, B2 and B6) to help support your health.
If you're looking for a low-calorie and tasty formula, Nutriversum Shake Protein Protein Shake could be the ideal choice for you!
Benefits of Shake Protein Protein Shake
- Shake Protein is a diet-supporting protein shake that is high in fiber and protein, with added collagen and vitamin C.
- It can be the perfect companion for your everyday life, as it contains many important macro and micronutrients that are essential for your body.
- The Nutriversum Shake Protein Protein Shake contains 5 vitamins
UTILIZARE (1 doză = 30 g)
Amestecați o porție (30 g) de pudră de proteine pentru shake cu 250 ml de apă sau lapte degresat. Consumați ca supliment la dieta dumneavoastră în funcție de nevoile nutriționale! Lingura de măsurare inclusă în pachet este folosită doar pentru a ajuta la măsurare, utilizați întotdeauna un cântar digital de grame pentru o dozare precisă!
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